Saturday 7 November 2015

Something goes wrong even in the safest of places by Vidhushi

October 11th, Ccathay Ccinema, viewers of the movie Hhotel Ttransylvania were storming out the cinema one by one demanding an immediate refund when the movie started shaking making it hard to see the screen. this started half way through the movie, most of the viewers thought it was a small bug and the staff would get rid of it soon but nothing happened. A middle aged man walked out asking the staff to see what was going on but what happened after this was not pretty. Some of the viewers overheard the conversation between the staff and the man. “It was hell” A witness said. “It wasn’t that big of a deal, like that man could have just asked the staff to fix the problem rather than screaming”.

Everything went downhill from there, The verbal fight soon got violent. One of the teenagers in the movie theater said “You could hear the manager politely asking the man to calm down, but he didn’t listen”. The man gave a staff member a bloody nose, he was fuelled with anger. Other people in the theater were starting to leave as this was not a sight that wanted to been seen by anyone, pParents closing their kids eyes, tTeenagers taking videos of the fight, and babies starting to cry.

The manager of the theater ordered security to take this man away as he was disturbing others in the theater and causing a big fight, After the man was taken away the viewers were all given refunds and an extra ticket to any movie that they wanted but many questions were still spiraling around, was this planned? was the man drunk? There are still many unanswered questions about this unfortunate event.

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