Wednesday 9 December 2015

The Effects Of Homework On Teens Lives By Victor

There was just too much he was starting to lose his mind.

It was late afternoon about 4:30 pm Tom was playing soccer, he was counting up all the homework he had to do for tomorrow. He also wanted to play Call of Duty with his friend over seas, it had been a long time since he had played and talked with his friend. His best friend had moved a couple months back. At around 4:30pm in Singapore Tom’s friend was going to wake up soon.

“What am I gonna do there is just too much!” Tom asked himself

A survey done by University Michigan 80% of teenagers spend 4++ hours on homework each week. This makes teens extremely stressed and can cause all sorts of problems with family,friends and all sorts of activities and sports. This evidence is significant because teens can become aggressive towards friends and family. Also they become tougher in sports which makes the feel extremely emotional and can end up by getting someone hurt.

Ann Dolin who did research at what times teens should do homework says that “kids should have a break of about 30 minutes before they start working”.

But the problem these days is many students have so much homework that they have to start working straight away. On a survey done in the UK students in grade 8 spend double the time than any other grade.

It was almost dinner time and Tom was still doing his homework, he had taken no breaks and was making tons of mistakes. When his mom called him for dinner he shouted back that he wasn’t hungry because he had homework. Tom was starting to get really annoyed about having to do so much homework. Now he was getting hungry and he knew he wouldn't be able to focus without eating so he went down and grabbed something to eat.

A study done by many scientists across the globe say that a teen can only really focus for about 30-40 minutes and then needs to have a break and also they cannot learn if they are not getting any nutrients.

After eating and feeling better Tom went back up to finish his homework he had done all task except for one but it was already time to go to bed. When Tom’s mum came up and told him to go to sleep he refused. But things didn’t go so easy, since Tom was so frustrated and his mum was angry it finished by Tom slapping his mom.

Scientists say that if teens get excessive homework their frustration and emotions toward homework can turn against them and they can use them on friends and family. Scientists also say that if this happens once or twice you should go see the teacher. If this does not work consider having some sessions with a therapist because I you don't scientists say that children will even go as far as committing suicide.

As Tom and his mum were walking towards the teachers room they were both getting nervous. After the meeting they all arranged that the amount of homework would be decreased and sports would be taken into consideration.


"The Effects of Too Much Homework on Teenagers." LIVESTRONG.COM. LIVESTRONG.COM, 12 Aug. 2015. Web. 06 Dec. 2015.

"Is Too Much Homework Bad for Kids' Health?" Healthlines RSS News. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Dec. 2015.

"The Effects of Homework." The Effects of Homework. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Dec. 2015.

1 comment:

  1. I think your issue that you talked about is a relatable to most of the people in our grade and is something worth writing about. I liked how you structured your piece by writing sections of the story after every bit of information. There was a lot about the story but it wasn't too overpowering which I think is a key thing when writing article's like this. Good job :)
