Sunday 20 March 2016

Objects connect us all. By: John


Andy Weir’s “The Martian” and Douglas Adams’ “The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy” the main character is separated from earth and is practically alone in space. In the martian he is separated when his crew has an emergency evacuation from mars leaving him and all of the remaining gear behind. In HHGTTG Arthur has a friend who gets him off earth seconds before it explodes leaving him in a new world with only the things he had on him. In both “The Martian” and “The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy” the authors use objects from earth to symbolize their main character's connection to the earth.

In both books food and objects symbolize their connection to the earth, “The Martian” has Marks connection increase in frequency towards the end of the book, whereas in HHGTTG Arthur’s connections are mentioned less toward the end of the book. In The Martian, he gains a connection to earth at the same time his potatoes are ready to harvest. But the airlock explodes and over half of his potatoes die. This sets Mark back a lot and reminds him that he is alone on Mars and he needs others to survive. This is proved during this scene on page (136) Andy Writes “Potatoes are now extinct on Mars. So is the soil bacteria. I’ll never grow another plant so long as I’m here. We had it all planned out. My farm would give me food till Sol 900. A supply probe would get here on Sol 856; way before I ran out. With the farm dead, that plan is history.” This quote shows how he will keep planning to gain that connection to the earth. It also proves that his farm was his only option for survival just like NASA.

In HHGTTG Arthur has Tea as his connection to earth but through the book, the tea slowly is mentioned less. During the start, it is mentioned a lot like on page (81) when Douglas says “Arthur blinked at the screens and felt he was missing something important. Suddenly he realized what it was. ‘Is there any tea on this spaceship?’ he asked” or on page (83)when he says “He had found a Nutri-Matic machine which had provided him with a plastic cup filled with a liquid that was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea.” Both of these quotes are within a few pages of each other and it’s mentioned 3 more times in chapter 17 pages (73-79)

Some people might say that the main theme that exists in both “The Martian” and HHGTTG is the theme of exploration. I think that this theme is possible to relate to HHGTTG because he is exploring space and trying to find his bearings in a new world. But in “The Martian” he is forced to explore because he wants to survive. He doesn’t want to discover anything new or learn more about Mars. Whereas in HHGTTG exploration is his motivation. My claim relates to both books and real life.

The Idea that objects connect us to our homes also relates to real life. In real life when someone leaves their home, they need things to remember it by. Sometimes it’s photos sometimes it’s certain foods, sometimes it could even be clothes, it could be anything that gives someone this memory and reminds them of their previous life. In my life, I like to keep a photo of the last place I stayed to remind me what it was like and what experiences I had. This is why the authors made Arthur wear the coat he always wears. This is also why Mark always plays disco. We like to be reminded of our past lives. In both “The Martian” and “The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy” the authors use objects from earth to symbolize their main character's connection to the earth.


  1. John, really good job on this bend. I think you have used valuable skills to deepen our understanding of both books. The connection you found between these two very different texts makes sense. "In both “The Martian” and “The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy” the authors use objects from earth to symbolize their main character's connection to the earth.". I think your claim really is something to think about. "objects from earth to symbolize their connection TO earth". I think that gives all readers something to think about when leaving your essay. This relates to our daily lives, maybe not with space, but a connection with a family member or friend. A possession of theirs symbolizes the connection between us. Very powerful. Nice job John.

  2. I think that your bend 3 essay is very powerful and effective because you help the reader connect the things you say, to his/her own life. I liked your ending because you related it to lives in 2016 and also left the readers with something to think about. You also restated what you had said earlier objects from earth and how they symbolised the main character's connection to the earth. This made me think that living without objects in 2016, would probably be impossible.

  3. Wow John you've done so well since he first Bend (1)
    I believe you've worked really hard during this Bend to prove your point about HHGTTG and The Martian and it's been good to have a partner like you to keep me on topic and less distracted! ^◡^
    I've seen you improve with your Lead and over all 3 bends and how good they have become! Another thing that you've improved on is your use of quotes in each of the paragraph to explain to the reader how yours is relevant!
    Well Done (>‿◠)✌
