Sunday 20 March 2016

Action of Change = Change of Action by Sota

Going to school or even writing a book can change people. It might not seem the biggest of step, but it sure is for people like August in the book "Wonder"; And Christopher in the book "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time". Both characters in the texts have a hard time working and being friends with society. They needed a change in their life, their lives before they took action of change was all gray nothing too bad, but nothing too good. Mark Haddon and R.J Palacio both uses acts such as writing a book and going to school - to trigger an act of change.

Firstly, Hark Haddon and R.J Palacio both uses triggering acts as a technique to change their main characters which were their aim. In both texts, the main characters have some kind of disability. Christopher has Asperger's Syndrome and August has an unnatural face. That is why both authors used a small act to lead in the change that it was going to have on them. For instance in "Wonder" by E.J Palacio, August going to school was the triggering act and what he achieved was self-confidence. Another example is from “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time" by Mark Haddon, Christopher writing the mystery murder book was the triggering act and what he achieved was freedom from himself.

In both texts, the characters are at first isolated. August is physically isolated from the society. “I know ordinary kids don’t make other ordinary kids run away screaming in playgrounds” (pg 3, Wonder). As you can probably tell from the text, August knows that he is different from others and knows why people "stare at [him] wherever he goes"(pg 3, Wonder) and “do that look-away”(pg 3, Wonder). On the other hand, Christopher is isolated emotionally. He barely talks to people except the people he knows and are not "strangers". You can see in both texts that they use the same theme of isolation. Isolation in both texts has a connection to the triggering act. August was isolated and seemed like a lone wolf running around to find it's place. That is why he made the decision to attend to school, which was like the wolf joining the wolf pack.

People need someone to support them along, or else they will never succeed. It could be your best friend or your parents. In both texts, there are key characters that support the main characters trigger of change. In “Wonder” by R.J Palacio, Summer Dawson is the key and supporting characters which guide the idea of change for August. Without the help and support from Summer. August would've probably left school would’ve been left out without the help of Summer. “Hey, is this seat taken?” (pg 51, Wonder), these words probably made August feel more comfortable at school. The same could be said for Christopher from “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time”. Siobhan is the key character for “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time” by Mark Haddon. Christopher started to write about the mysterious murder in a book and the first person he showed it to was Siobhan. Christopher’s father says to stop writing the book. Without Siobhan saying that the book was very good and he wanted to read more. Christopher would’ve probably stopped writing. This shows that Siobhan was supporting the trigger point of the change.

1 comment:

  1. Good job Sota, I really like how you showed the relations with the two books with isolation and how you embed the quotes so that they don't just hang there. My favourite thing you said is "People need someone to support them along, or else they will never succeed". I like you tried to relate to peoples everyday life. Maybe next time talk about some of the differences between the books.
