Sunday 12 June 2016

Healthcare Needs Help! by John Krupa

There are 7.1 Billion People on earth and almost 94% of them have access to essential health care but whether or not they can actually access the healthcare depends on how they pay. Some countries like Canada have health care costs included in the high taxes (even if you don’t need health care) and when someone needs health care it has no charge. Or there are models like in the U.S. where you pay from your own pocket only when you need health care. I believe that healthcare should be paid for by people when they need it, to not put the government into debt, so people are more cautious because they know they’re paying, and because people can get better healthcare the more money they pay.

In Canada the cost outweighs the benefit when it comes to healthcare, it actually costs more to provide health care to all citizens for no cost. In The Huffington post says this about it “In 2013, a typical Canadian family of four can expect to pay $11,320 for public health care insurance.” This costs a lot for families and over time this cost can become a lot more and add up I think that this costs a lot more than the others who would pay for healthcare in places like the US or England. I found on they say “Workers now pay an average of $1,318 out of pocket before health insurance coverage begins to cover part of their bills, up from $584 a decade ago” Just by looking at this you can she the huge cost difference between Canadian and US healthcare systems. This also proves

One summer several years ago I went to my grandma’s house is south-east Canada and while I was there I met her neighbor who was 75 years old. She was cleaning her driveway in 35O heat. I offered to help and asked why she hadn't hired anyone or asked someone to help. She said that if she got hurt it wouldn’t cost anything and that she would be home a few days later. I think that people will do more dangerous things if their health care is paid for. When healthcare is free people do more dangerous activities and care less about their safety. I may know this from personal experience but I also know this in

My final point is that people who pay more can get better healthcare and there should be different healthcare facilities set up for the different people. This can help starting doctor with costs and the amount they have to pay. This cost can be changed as the doctor and facility grow. This can help with the free market and the progression of the healthcare system. This also means that doctors can charge a correct amount and can use top of the line technology for their specification. Currently, doctors think that health care cost too much. This is proved in News Asia one's letter from Dr. Tang Kok Foo “Last year, patients and healthcare professionals alike expressed their concerns over the growing disparity in medical costs, which made it difficult for patients to estimate their bills.” This talks about healthcare costs and

Some people might say that a divide between better and worse health care is worse and creates a divide in classes that is bad for social stability. The differences in classes and income has happened in the past creating problems and differences. This also means that some people who have more money will be healthier and in less danger of medical problems.

I don’t agree with this because of several reasons, firstly I believe that this gap is good and actually beneficial to doctors. This divide can add stability to the system of buying health care and I think that clinics and hospitals can be more efficient with costs and expenses and with handling the number of  patients which is currently a problem in Canadian hospitals. Most patients that enter hospitals wait long hours in waiting rooms for sub-par equipment.

Over healthcare is a big problem and has a lot of opinions and is a very controversial topic with some thinking it should have one cost for patients or one cost for the governments with taxes being a lot more. Some even think that the cost should be split evenly between higher taxes and public heath care while also haveing private health care. Thank you for reading my opinion on why people should pay the costs of health care.

-Lee, Lam Min. "YOURHEALTH, SINGAPORE." News Asiaone. News Asiaone, 22 July 2015. Web.
-Helfand, Duke. "HEALTHCARE'S HIGH COST; Unusual Alliance Slashes Expenses; An HMO, a Hospital Chain and a Doctors Group Team up and save $20 Million." Los Angeles Daily Times. Los Angeles Daily Times, 2 Aug. 2011. Web.
-Esmail, Nadeem. "'Free' Health Care in Canada Costs More Than It's Worth."The Huffington Post. The Huffington Post, 09 Aug. 2013. Web. 12 June 2016.

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